Monday, November 30, 2015


We headed 95 miles into Maryland on November 19th to spend Thanksgiving with family. Jason's sister lives outside of Baltimore and let me tell you, finding an RV park is no small feet. We finally settled on a place called Bar Harbor RV Park in Abingdon. It wasn't bad, it was on the harbor and we had a nice view, but it was definitely on the spendy side. I guess you can charge what you want when you're the only option around.

Feeding ducks right outside the RV
And most importantly - another sticker for the books!

Jason was able to take Emma out hunting again - which made both of them happy. They brought home five chukars, and I lucked out because sis-in-law cooked them. I'm just not about touching things that were walking around earlier in the day.

Emma in her element
Emma found, Jason shot, Angel cooked
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday because we were waiting for Jason's mom and step-dad to drive over from Indiana. It was so wonderful to spend time with family, it's been a long time since we had that!
After diner fire on the back porch

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Finishing out Virginia and a Day in DC

After Williamsburg we continued our Northern trek 128 miles to Lorton, VA. We stayed at a lovey, and nearly empty state park from November 15th to 19th, the Pohick Bay Regional Park. I have never seen more leaves on the ground than here, the boys were in pile-making-heaven.

A ride through the woods
Our main reason for choosing Lorton was for it's proximity to Washington DC. We had originally planned to visit the White House, but decided to postpone that for another trip. Having a puppy is just a pain sometimes!

We did spend an entire day exploring DC though, and after dealing with parking I totally understand why bus tours are so popular here!

We did a drive by of the White House and then parked (kind of near) the National Mall.
Money shot!
You'd never know there was traffic jams all around

I was really surprised how many people were around, considering it was a Tuesday in November. The Lincoln Memorial was even larger (and more crowded) than I had imagined.
Oh hi there Abe
The Korean War Memorial and especially the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial are very sobering and well worth the trip.

We also walked through a place I had never even heard of - the National WWII Memorial

We found her!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Virginia Take 2

November 5th had us driving back over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (eek!). We headed 54 miles over to Hampton, VA and The Colonies RV Park. It was a cool area right down the road from Fort Monroe, which - I can't lie - has me seriously wanting a place with a moat someday.

Um, yes please!
The RV park was on a little barrier island with a 'private' stretch of beach. It was perfect for taking the dog out. There was rarely anyone there so I was a rebel and let her run around.

Beware rogue teeter-tottering youth
The weather left something to be desired, so we spent quite a bit of time inside just relaxing.

It's a hard life
Mmmmm bacon
We only stayed 3 nights in Hampton, it was more of a stop-over location for us. On the 8th we hit the road again - but only a short 40 miles into Williamsburg, VA where we stayed a full week at the American Heritage RV Park

There is a lot of things to do and see in the Williamsburg area. We went to the Yorktown Battlefield and explored parts of Yorktown itself.
This is my BOOM stick
Le Poseurs
Victory Monument in Yorktown
We also went to the Jamestown Settlement - it was really interesting but I didn't get very many pictures. Oops!
A random cross, because I have to put a picture :)
Main road through Jamestown Settlement
On the 13th Jason was FINALLY able to take his hunting dog to get some birds. The east coast doesn't have much public land so we had to go to the Orapax Hunting Preserve. All in all it was a good experience though! Emma had more fun than I can even describe, and Jason walked away with a chukar and three quail. I think the boys favorite park was cleaning the birds, but I'll spare you the pictures.
Get some!
On the evening of the 13th and the day of the 14th I went to a Homeschooling Conference by the ladies at Wild + Free. I highly recommend them if you are a homeschooling mama. I'm still really struggling with the finding the "right" way to do it for our family.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Virginia Take 1

On October 25th we travelled 88 miles into Virginia. We stayed 3 nights at Chesapeake Campground, which was ... not great. It's rare that we've stayed somewhere that I've actually felt uncomfortable, but this was one. We talked about taking off the next day, but I'd had the mail forwarded so we had to wait. 

It turned out for the best because I was having some serious tooth pain. I ended up having one of my wisdom teeth out on the 26th. Not my idea of fun, and I was pretty much out of commission until we headed out on the 29th.

It's only 55 miles to Cape Charles, but you have to take the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. It's pretty cool, but definitely nerve wracking, and expensive! They charged us $31 for the experience. The bridge is 23 miles across the ocean, with two separate 1-mile tunnels beneath the ocean

At Cape Charles we stayed at the Cherrystone Family Camping Resort, which we specifically chose because of the Halloween activities they hold. Cape Charles itself is an adorable little town. We had (for the first time in a loooong while) yummy beer at Kelly's Gingernut Pub - a great little Irish pub/restaurant.
Get in mah belly!
Jason and me had a nice morning coffee date at the Cape Charles Coffee House. Another completely charming little place.
The ceiling/ upstairs of the coffee house
So, we arrived at Cherrystone on Thursday and there was almost no one there. By Friday evening? Place was PACKED. Apparently Halloween is a serious THING up in these parts. There were people decorating their sites for hours on end. I even saw a guy bring in an extra truck load of decorations. 

If you're in the area for Halloween, it's a great place. There was a huge bounce pillow, they brought in a magician, there were costume contests, pumpkin contests, crafts, trick-or-treating, you name it!
Takes after his mom
Hopefully takes after none of us ;)
We also went down to the Cape Charles Beach, which - shocker. Is right past the town of Cape Charles.
Guardian of the beach
Boys being boys
Virginia is for lovers, didn't you know?
By Sunday afternoon the campground was a ghost town again. Which wasn't a bad thing. We spent the next few days just relaxing.
Snugglings my favorite
Seriously, this dog is always ON someone